December 2019 Hodgepodge
New "World's fastest compact microcomputer" The Teensy 4.0 $19.95 ARM Cortex-M7 processor at 600 MHz, contained in NXP iMXRT1062 chip Executes 2 instructions at a time (about 40% to 50% of the time compiled by TeesyDuino), Employing tightly coupled split memory with 2 64 bit paths.. FPU handles Double Integers as well as Floats 1024K RAM (512K is tightly coupled) 2048K Flash (64K reserved for recovery & EEPROM emulation) Lots of interfaces 6.6 X faster than ESP32 in one benchmark. (331 X faster than Arduino AVR Mega) The Teensy board line appears to be the product of a one man operation run by Paul Stoffregen, he seems quite competent and is active on the support forum, his store is a little behind, it took some hinting to find the sales page for the Teensy 4.0. It works with Arduino IDE his variation called TeesyDuino, using an installer t...