
Showing posts from June, 2021

Phone Vibrator Demo

super-mario-theme-intro teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles voltron-theme final-fantasy-victory-fanfare star-wars-imperial-march-darth-vaders-theme go-go-power-rangers Shave-and-a-haircut morse-code-sos Michael-jackson-smooth-criminal James-bond-007 mortal-kombat-theme dream-theater-fatal-tragedy-what-a-phenomenon Dream-theater-overture-1928-intro Dream-theater-strange-deja-vu-intro muse-madness Pain-of-salvation-nihil-morari karnivool-cote tesseract-nocturne Tesseract-perfection

Hand Wiring 2mm Neopixel LED Strips

 While I have occasional tested or prototypes with 2mm using modified surface mount adapter boards, it's always been a real pain. There is a way to point to point solder together the simpler 4 pin Neopixel LEDs.  I ran across a variation of 2020 size LED with Castelian style tabs that make point to point wiring more practical than typical surface mount components, those with miniature modeling or SMD circuit repair equipmment and experience should be able to handle it.   Their WorldWideSemi brand numbers are WS2812C-2020 for 5ma and  WS2812B-2020 with 12ma per LED .     Here's an example of the first 5 LED string I tried, the string is 1.2mm long (Using an international standard micro SD card for size reference instead of a coin)   Key to the process is to first layout the LEDs face down on a highly sticky material, (I used double sided heatsink tape).  This rough diagram shows the arrangement and connections, the LEDs i...