Sourcing Components

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 Hobbyist - Experimenter Oriented Store Sites

Direct Voltage Store

Interesting Variety Electronics Supplier (US)
 3D Printers, RC Cars, Lasers, Ebike parts, CNC, Motors, Drones, LED Lighting, Arduino, Ras Pi,
Raw Carbon fiber 7μm filament: (10 meters $4.99)

America Science Surplus  (Not just electronics)    Arizona Surplus Electronic Components $10 min. Compact ESP32 computers with display and enclosure.
                                 (Better shipping from Aliexpress buys)

Chinese Component Sources  some of the guys like it best, (prices may not be the best)  Retail oriented offshoot of Alibaba (use it for a few months, it's been OK)  There are electronics specialty stores with lots of components, in some cases it pays to buy multiple items from some sellers, some will ship your entire order up to 1 Kilo for a flat price under $3.  I was fed with Ebay after mis-representations on ads at what turned out to be general merchant sites, better to stick to component specialists.

For the adventurous buyer, there is the TaoBao domestic Chinese marketplace, which apparantly has the best prices, apparently checkouts are not automated, you must "chat" with the seller, the article below recommends hiring a purchasing agent to assist with your order.

 Article on processors costing pennies

    Mentioned parts I found:

       Found 1 from his list of 8, on Aliexpress:
              Yspring Tech  MDT10P509  10 for $3
               PIC12 architecture 1K x 12 ROM, 4 bytes RAM, 6 GPIO, 8Mhs int clock

     On Alibaba:
            PTB150CSE  $0.04-$0.07 / Piece,  10 Pieces Min.
             79 Instructions, ROM 1k x 13 bit, RAM 64 bytes, 6 gpio, 16 mhz, 62k internal.

            PFS154-S08 SOP-8 Microcontrollers IC,  $0.07-$0.09 / Piece, 10 Pieces Min. Order

            MDT10P509  $0.01-$0.10 / Piece

            HT68F001   $0.13-$0.25 / Piece

Mountain Electronics Custom Flashlight Components Store
  They will custom shape the lens on some LEDs, may build PCBs to order.

Source Parts on TaoBao: An Insider’s Guide  by: Naomi Wu
The Shenzhen resident gives tips to the brave for faking your way through Chinese language sites, like TaoBao, which is apparently much larger than AliExpress.

They apparently don't ave automated payment/checkout, you have to "Chat" with the seller to complete the transaction, you can employ a Chinese middleman and still save lots of money.

For obscure, small production run electronic assemblies, try Tindie in some cases, it may be the first place to find some new technology innovation.  (Shipping charges can be a deal breaker with some sellers)

Adafruit is a strong contributor to the community with tutorials, and providing open source drivers that are the standard in many cases. Price + shipping is high (factory in Soho NY) they are well represented by Microcenter (Tustin) and several online sellers.  Help support them when you can.

Sparkfun is another US seller, that also does some education, they appear to sell Chinese made boards as well as their own designs.  They just ended their Autonomous Vehicle Competitions after 10 years, says most of the challenges have been solved. often offering free overnight shipping, their store database is not very sophisticated, they handle some products by Adafruit and Seedstudio, etc. with quicker shipping and lower sale+sip cost in many cases.

 Seeedstudio offers lots of new products of their own design and from other manufacturers, they also provide board manufacturing service and component kitting.

New product announcements and reviews

Lots of new Embedded Device product news the iot oriented site by the ARM computer designers, as lots of data on Boards, Modules and Components, as well as drivers, example code and an online compiler. Scroll down to Supported Hardware.

MickMake gets bags of component samples that he reviews on youtube.


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