Women In Technology

With people skills better than a typical guy, it makes sense for women to opt for work in fields  less solitary than nerdtology, there are exceptions.

An inspiring Commercial

 An accidental success that people experimenting with microprocessors are typically familiar with.
 Lady Ada of Adafruit.com

 After making Wearable Eectronics at MIT, she started buying and bagging up components as kits, selling them, as described in an interview with the for-sight of a lemonade stand operator.  She luckily has ended up with a $30 Million business.

AdaFruit is presumable named after Ada Lovelace, a 17th century mathematician and writer best
known for her contribution to Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine, she envisioned algorithm a computing machine could execute. 

A young learner, getting a head start, describing her work in an Adafruit show-n-tell session (excerpt).

 A 25 minute, 360 degree your of the Adafruit factory in Soho NY, best viewed in youtube at the highest resolution your sytem can manage.

I had to look into who qualified for a full access tour, Naomi Wu, (aka SexyCyborg) a Chinese Maker and confounding personality.  She has said she first learned English watching 90210, and was inspired by Dolly Parton, says the kids call her "Machinery Enchantress". Presumably as a form of click bait, she has the appearance of a part time maker and part time cos-play fetish model.  Perhaps the most viewed (by Westerners) mainland China personality, things have not all gone smoothly.  Early in her career she coded Ruby on Rails, as a freelancer under a male identity.  After declining the attention of an American expatriate, he ended up trashing her online.  After a disagreement regarding her living details being revealed in a Vice magazine interview, her main revenue source, her Patreon account was canceled.

Apparently using an illegal VPS to get seen in the west, some of her youtube videos have gotten significant views, her 3D printed bikini got some 6 Million views (some American publishers would earn >$5000 in ad revenue for that much traffic.)

The publisher of Make magazine wrote a post questioning the authenticity of Naomi, suggesting there was a male nerd off camera doing the actual work, things seemed to smooth over, her appearing on the cover of Make.  (see the signature exchange at the end of the your video)

 Ted Talk: Simone Giertz, Why you should make useless things (12 min)


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