Display and Indicator Round-up
A mostly simple list of basic information. LCD displays , the most common interface, it's typically easiest to get one specified for your device, at least identify the driver chip the display uses and be sure there is driver code available. Here's a guy's review of several ESP-32 boards that come with either LCD or OLED displays. Organic LEDs available to hobbyists are typically low cost and low resolution, but have a sharp energy efficient image. The last 0.96" mono-color OLED I just ordered from Aliexpress was $2.15, with 128X64 resolution and a relatively slow I2C interface, a bit of status information can be a big help. Novel model with 2 different pre-tinted Yellow and Blue zones. HUB-75 interface video wall LED modules I was checking out a new 1" 8x8 Neopixel display using 2mm LEDs that sells for $25. You can get a display panel with 2048 LEDs for about the same amount. (You can pay twice the price to get one from Adaf...