
  More advanced Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040) Scope and Logic Analzes functions. While the rp2040 processors are nothing special (ESP-32 benchmarks are faster) the PIO circuits, programmed a bit like FPGAs, can offload timing critical functions from the processors. Applications of the original logic analyzer sample code can sample a signal at 125 Mega samples per second (more with overclocking).  Those $8 analysers' 16 MSPS are just OK for ancient Arduino chips. An aside:        Eben Upton notes the complementary capabilities of the rp2040 and the PIO vs the Linux Pi's:         Has better "deterministic latency" vs the big Pi.  ( chip design cost: £3–4 million )      ( First of a 12 video series on programming the rp2040 PIO ) The first generation of example projects capture data to a .csv file to be read by the Sigrok PulseView waveform analysis application, this workflow didn't quite suite me. (I briefly gla...

A Fourth addition to the M5 Stamp Line

Image the maker of numerous Lego style modules (M5 Sticks on wheels pictured). They recently added a part suitable for embedded computing. The M5 Stamp Pico , their smallest processor board using the ESP32. They have made is available on a reel for automated placement. The $5 list part is available from Digikey for $5.38 Three connector options included...  The cover is in keeping with their packaging style, though it serves little purpose beside holding the pinout guide sticker. Too small to include a USB connector, It requires a USB TTL Serial burner to flash it. Their slightly over priced developer packager included a burner interface (using a CH9102 chip), guaranteed to work. Once flashed one can wireless program it with UIflow block code,  The dev kit is packaged in a cute matchstick box.                   - - - - - - - -   The second stamp model, the M5Stamp C3 using the second gen singl...

Phone Vibrator Demo

super-mario-theme-intro teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles voltron-theme final-fantasy-victory-fanfare star-wars-imperial-march-darth-vaders-theme go-go-power-rangers Shave-and-a-haircut morse-code-sos Michael-jackson-smooth-criminal James-bond-007 mortal-kombat-theme dream-theater-fatal-tragedy-what-a-phenomenon Dream-theater-overture-1928-intro Dream-theater-strange-deja-vu-intro muse-madness Pain-of-salvation-nihil-morari karnivool-cote tesseract-nocturne Tesseract-perfection

Hand Wiring 2mm Neopixel LED Strips

 While I have occasional tested or prototypes with 2mm using modified surface mount adapter boards, it's always been a real pain. There is a way to point to point solder together the simpler 4 pin Neopixel LEDs.  I ran across a variation of 2020 size LED with Castelian style tabs that make point to point wiring more practical than typical surface mount components, those with miniature modeling or SMD circuit repair equipmment and experience should be able to handle it.   Their WorldWideSemi brand numbers are WS2812C-2020 for 5ma and  WS2812B-2020 with 12ma per LED .     Here's an example of the first 5 LED string I tried, the string is 1.2mm long (Using an international standard micro SD card for size reference instead of a coin)   Key to the process is to first layout the LEDs face down on a highly sticky material, (I used double sided heatsink tape).  This rough diagram shows the arrangement and connections, the LEDs i...

Food Bank Safety Information

Play pattern  You can find links to publications from Foodbank , FDA, etc. on Food Storage and Safety FOOD DONATION & CONSUMPTION Timetable 1 Page PDF (Canada) Second Harvest Shelf life of food bank products - 13 pg PDF   - Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank - May 2018 Food Date Labels and Product Distribution Guidelines 8 pg PDF 2017 - (Connecticut) Before You Toss Food, Wait. Check It Out!   -  USDA 2017 Cold Food Storage Chart  - Refrigeration and Freezing life of foods Chart PDF How to Tell Whether Expired Food Is Safe to Eat - Consumer Report 2019  - Basic home guide                 (Their doctor recommends you use your nose) Refreezing food - University of Minnesota      Basics for Handling Food Safely Leftover/Refreezing FDA Leftovers and Food Safety...

Machine Vision Resources for Smart Fever Detection Systems

Side-note: The smart glasses pictured above are using a Flir brand thermal camera, but is sold by: ARSENZ ThermoGlass    in Taipei City   LWIR Technology,   80×60 @9FPS,  51° FOV (25° option)   (Could make for a stealthy Fever Inspector if the camera was just accurate enough) The Proposed Approach From  OpenCV: Facial-Feature-Detection Tutorial 2015 tutorial Use machine vision to identify a face, or a particular area on a face to measure. In the application of a single point IR sensor with long range optics: Use a servo driven Gimbal to point the sensor at your area of interest. RC Servo Driven Camera Gimbal This Gimbal assembly, or just the plastic bits are widely offered by Chinese sellers, this example is currently offered for $4.61 delivered in > a month.  You can get the identical thing from an Amazon warehouse in a few days for $17.95 I don't know what the mount was original...

Makers both Big and Small May be able to Help Hospitals Fight Coronavirus

Makers Big & Small might Help Hospitals Fight Coronavirus   To summarize how one could help: There is electronics, hardware, software & expertise needed to help with various projects designed to better protect health workers and fill the equipment & supply shortages. One collaboration developing a number of projects (some sound some experimental):  In the first 2 weeks following the launch of Helpful Engineering there were 3,400+ volunteers, around the world, working on 35+ ongoing projects! Participants log in at: (a virtual team platform) There's also a site for potential volunteers to sign up . You can see a gallery of Helpful Engineering projects both new and mature. Area that come to mind include: #discussion-ultraviolet-disinfection-system,  #project-temperature-detection,  # discussion-hardware- machining,  #skill- software -datascience (also frontend, backend, infosec & track-social-outbreak...